A person sitting in front of a screen full of people.

Online Learning Environment Improvement: 13 Ideas

There’s no question that online learning is on the rise. A big part of educating or training on topics at a distance is the online learning environment provided for the learner.

Clearly, online learning is becoming more and more popular every year especially during the pandemic. So what can we do to make sure that our online learning environments are as effective as possible? In this article, we will discuss 13 ideas that can help improve your online learning environment and encourage learner engagement.

Idea #01: Understand Your Online Learning Audience

It is important to understand your audience before creating online courses. This includes understanding the students’ backgrounds, levels of education, and their current knowledge on the subject matter. By understanding your audience, you are able to create online courses that appeal to them and help them learn more about the topic. Student writing in a notebook while using a computer with her online learning environment.

It is important to understand your audience before creating online courses. This includes understanding the students’ backgrounds, levels of education, and their current knowledge on the subject matter. By understanding your audience, you are able to create online courses that appeal to them and help them learn more about the topic.


Students with different backgrounds will have varying levels of education and knowledge on a subject. By understanding the background that your audience comes from, you are able to present information in a way that is appealing and understandable.

Levels of Education

If students have little or no knowledge about the subject matter, they will be more able to understand the course if you make it simple by using beginner-level language. If you are teaching college students who are familiar with the topic, you can teach in more advanced language that still holds their attention.

Current Knowledge of the Subject Matter

Creativity and new ideas are always appreciated in teaching. By understanding how much of the subject matter that your audience already knows, you can add on to their knowledge by discussing more difficult concepts or altering some information already known. For example, if students know a lot about a topic, such as basketball players after Michael Jordan retired, you could discuss what happened after Michael Jordan left the game.

Idea #02: Offer a Variety of Activities for Your Online Learning Environment

One of the best ways to keep online learners engaged is to offer a variety of learning activities. This could include things like readings, videos, discussion forums, quizzes, and assignments. By providing a variety of activities, you give students the opportunity to choose the ones that interest them most. This will help them stay interested and engaged throughout the online course.

One thing you could do is include a wide range of activities in each class. For example, the first week of the course might be dedicated to teaching students about various topics. The next week might have students do an online discussion forum. Then, later in the course, a quiz might be thrown into the mix. By exposing students to a variety of activities, they’ll have plenty of opportunities to engage with the course and stay interested.

Idea #03: Keep the Message Straightforward

When creating online courses, it is important to keep the message straightforward. This means that online learners should be able to understand what they are learning and how it will benefit them. By keeping the message straightforward, online learners will be more engaged and interested in the online course material. Sticky notes on a wall with one a standout, bright yellow compared to the others which are white. This signifies keeping your message straightforward and to the point in your online learning environment.

One of the most important strategies for instructors to master is the ability to communicate their ideas concisely and effectively. When students are confused, it is not because they cannot understand relatively simple concepts; it is often because a teacher’s message has been a long time in coming or has been obscured by too many words. Good communication skills require practice and patience.

Idea #04: Help Learners Apply What They Learn Immediately

One of the best ways to help online learners learn is by having them apply what they learn immediately. This could include things like using online quizzes or assignments that are due soon after the material is covered. By having online learners apply what they learn immediately, they are able to see how it applies to their lives.

Online instructors who guide learners with the application of what they learn immediately will see an increase in motivation, engagement, and learning. It is important to note that learners may need assistance applying what they learn immediately. While most will be able to apply what they learn on their own, others will struggle. It is important for online instructors to guide learners with the application of what they learn. All it takes is a little creativity on behalf of the instructor!

Idea #05: Use Technology that Students Are Familiar With

Many online learners are already familiar with technology such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Why not use this familiarity to your advantage? In your online course, incorporate tools that students are already comfortable with using. This could include things like videos, readings, discussion forums, and quizzes. By using technology that students are familiar with, you make the online learning environment less intimidating and more welcoming. A person using a smartphone.

Additionally, this familiarity will allow your students to easily engage in your educational content because they already know how to use these tools. It also allows them to be better prepared for other online courses they might take in the future.

Idea #06: Create a Virtual Learning CommunityA person looking at an online meeting with 12 or more people on the screen. This signifies creating a community for your online learning environment.

Creating a virtual learning community is one of the best ways to improve online learning environments. Having students interact with each other online allows for discussion and collaboration, two things that can be hard to do in an online course. Students can share ideas and ask questions on discussion boards, in group chats, or even through email. By creating a virtual learning community online learners are able to share their thoughts with each other while still feeling connected to one another. This will help them stay engaged throughout the online course material as well as create relationships that may last beyond the online course.

Idea #07: Use an LMS or LRS to Create a More Engaging Online Learning Environment

A Learning Management System (LMS) or Learning Record Store (LRS) can help online learners stay engaged in your course. An LMS, such as Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, or Sakai, is software that allows educators to create and deliver online courses. LMSs usually have features such as user management, discussion boards, quizzes or tests, file-sharing services, virtual classrooms or chatrooms, and assessment tools. An LRS, such as GrassBlade, edTotal, or SCORM Cloud, helps instructors track learner engagement and comprehension. By using an LMS or LRS, you are able to see what students are doing online and help them stay on track. This can be especially helpful for online learners who may get lost in the course material.

Idea #08: Make the Online Learning Environment InteractiveAn instructor using real-time office hours.

One of the best ways to keep online learners engaged is to make the online learning environment interactive. This could include things like discussion forums, group chats, or even through email. By having students interact with each other online, they are able to share ideas and ask questions. This will help them stay interested and engaged throughout the online course material. It is hard for learners to stay interested in a course if they do not find it relevant or interesting.

Real-time office hours or a blended approach to learning that involves synchronous sessions with the instructor are another way to keep learners engaged. Students who can interact with their instructors tend to enjoy online courses more. This is an especially effective approach for adult students.

Instructors can also keep learners engaged by making sure that they include relevant and interesting assignments in the online course material. It is important for online courses to be engaging so that students will want to complete them. If an instructor’s target audience does not find the course material relevant or interesting, it can be difficult for them to stay engaged.

Another way to keep learners engaged is by asking them questions throughout the online course material. This will make sure students are actually reading and absorbing new information instead of simply glancing over it.

Idea #09: Use Multimedia to Enhance the Online Learning Environment

Multimedia is a great way to enhance online learning environments. By incorporating multimedia into your online courses, you are able to add excitement and engagement for online learners. This could include things like videos, readings, discussion forums, and even online quizzes. By incorporating multimedia into online courses, online learners will stay engaged throughout the online course material.

The following are some suggestions for incorporating multimedia into your online courses: Videos are a good way to add different types of media and a sense of interactivity to your online learning environment.

Videos – You can create your own videos or you can find videos that are already available. However, it is important to not just post videos for the sake of posting them in your online courses. You want to have a good reason for posting videos in your course because you do not want to overwhelm your online learners with too many videos.

Presentations – You can create your own presentations or you can find presentations that are already available. Think about how you want to incorporate the presentation into your online course. For example, you might have an assignment where students must create their own presentation on a certain topic; this would require more work on your part but would be more beneficial for your students.

Worksheets – You can create worksheets or you can find worksheets that are already available. The key is to not just throw a worksheet into your online course and expect it to be beneficial for you and your students. Be sure to plan it out and make sure the worksheet will be beneficial for your students and tied into the course material.

Quizzes – You can create your own quizzes or you can find quizzes that are already available. The key is to not just post a quiz without having a good reason; it will be confusing for online learners if they take a quiz and there is no reason or explanation as to why they took the quiz.

Idea #10: Set Clear Expectations for Online Learners

One of the best ways to keep online learners engaged is by setting clear expectations for them. Make sure that you clearly outline what students should be doing online and when they should be doing it. This will help online learners stay on track and engaged in the online course material. Better yet, provide a set of course objectives so students understand what they should be able to take with them from the course. As they progress through the course, identify the different objectives in the course materials so learners understand they are connecting with each objective.

Idea #11: Provide Incentives for Online Learners

In online courses, online learners can be motivated by different things. Some online learners may be interested in earning a certificate of completion or passing an online quiz. Others online learners may just want to learn more about the subject matter and gain new skills. Whatever it is that motivates your online learners, make sure you provide incentives for online learners.

A user playing an online game. This signifies how gamification can add incentive.

Gamification and Badges

Gamification is the process of implementing game-design elements in non-game contexts. For example, badges are a way to show success and completion of specific tasks within an online learning environment.

Praise and Feedback

If you want to motivate your online learners, make sure you provide them with praise and feedback. Everyone likes encouragement for their hard work. Providing encouragement and positive feedback will help your online learners stay motivated to learn.

Idea #12: Provide some Entertainment

While online learners should be focused on the course material, it is also important to provide some entertainment for them. This could include things like funny videos, interesting articles, or even memes. By providing some entertainment for online learners, you are able to keep them engaged and interested in the online course material.

It is also important to note that it’s important for online instructors to find a balance. You do not want the entertainment you provide to interfere with the material being taught. Also, there should be no links or advertisements in your course material itself. This could pose a security risk, or be distracting to the online learner.

Idea #13: Make the User Experience Straightforward and Easy to Use

When creating online courses, it is important to make the user experience straightforward and easy to use. This includes making sure that online learners can easily navigate through the online course material. By making the user experience straightforward and easy to use, online learners will be more engaged and interested in the online course material.


If you are an online course creator, it is important to make sure that your online learners stay motivated. If they are not staying motivated to learn, they will not be able to complete the online courses. As you plan and create online courses, keep these 13 ideas in mind. When implemented into online courses, these 13 ideas can help improve online learner motivation and engagement!

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